Monday, November 23, 2009

It has been a couple of months that I have been working a lot. I enjoy my job very much and am saving up my money to buy a new laptop. It is quite difficult to do so because I like to spend money. For the past two months, my best friend and I have stopped talking. I don't know why this happened exactly, but she had been acting very strange and distant lately. This is probably because she is fixated on her new boyfriend, Patrice. It saddens me, and I hope we will be cloe again in the near future. Lately, I have been going to my chalet quite often. I enjoy going up north because it helps me relax and think of other things. It is also a quiet place to study and disconnect from the world. I have been doing a lot of chrismas shopping because I am a very organized person and hate doing things at the last minute. I have been going to the movies pretty often lately because there have been a couple of interesting movies to watch. My recent personal favorites are New Moon and Paranormal Activity. I have been watching my favorite show on television these past few weeks. It's a reality show about a dozen adults who are living in a house together. It is interesting to see how people interact. I have been taking care of my grand-ma. She doesn't like being alone at home, and when I am at school she is forced to be, so I spend as much time with her as possible. Lately, I have been renting a lot of movies and watching them with my best friend. We love watching horror movies together on friday nights. We pig out on popcorn and candy. BoldI have been visiting my best friend at work. Since she got her new job, she does not like spending her lunch break alone and it gives us a chance to catch up and talk about what is going on in our lives. Lately, I have been going to the gym much more often. I have come to realize that there is nothing better than a envigorating workout session.

10 things youve been doing.

say something about each one. (why u like it,how u discovered)

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